Social media style guide for the skimmers

Social media often falls to the youngest millennial in the team, which can be a bit sticky if you haven’t properly briefed them on the voice and style that best represents your brand.

Hopefully, this goes without saying: no politics, no swearing, but there are a few points to start thinking about before you give your social passwords to the whole team.

1.     Who is your brand voice; is it the boss or individuals in the team? Who is following you? Instagram and Facebook insights can provide an overview to adjust the tone to make sure it feels authentic.

2.     Curate the content specifically for each channel, with different tones for the accounts. Insta could be punchier or with puns, Facebook with more straightforward info, and Twitter concise and moment-based.

3.     Posting schedule: try not to spam, often reducing posts will keep them at the top of the feed. Promoted posts may also be worth considering.

4.     Personal content: The posts with the face of the brand tend to do well, with more comments and more likes. Keep the brand personal so people don’t feel as though they are following a soulless mega-corp.

Consistency matters. We put together content calendars to make sure that social media channels actually align with promotions and campaigns planned throughout the year. That way, your feed contributes to the business rather than being a place for all the cat memes in the world.


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